The Easy Bake Oven Boys traveled north to take on the Butler Buccos in a doubleheader. The rain was not going to prevent the Bandidos from taking two in Cranberry, but it sure was dicey to start.
The Bandidos have at least five people on the squad that could be the father of some of these young Buccos. As far as we know, that is not the case. Despite the age disparity with these two teams, the Bandidos know their way around a doubleheader and were able to secure two wins within a few hours.
Game 1: Ben Hartz gave the squad a gutsy performance on the mound and found a way to get it done through 4 innings. Alberto Olesko came in relief to lock it down, as the Bandidos were able to ten-run the Buccos in the 6th inning. The heart of the order stays hot, as Jake Carter collects 3 hits and Mark Merlino continues to be clutch in the heart of the order.
Anthony Delbene did some silly shit in this one. Del went 1st to 3rd on a hit and run and was dead to rights on the approach to third base, but found a way to knock the ball loose in his slide. Two pitches later, Delbene notices the pitcher going from the stretch and pretended to take off for home plate. This alarmed the young Bucs so much, that the catcher stood up and called for the ball, as Stanick (pitcher) was in his delivery and got caught in a balk. At the time, it was a very meaningful run and the flood doors then opened for the Bandidos.
Game 2: Albert Olesko kept things rolling on the mound with another very impressive start. Olesko initially went 5 innings in this game. Ryan Gallagher came in to close things out, but realized he just did not have his best stuff on this day. Albert was not to be held down in this game, as the veteran hurler put himself back in for the 7th inning after some heroics by the Bandidos offense.
Down two runs in the last inning, the Bandidos were down to their last out with no one on base. Ryan Gallagher got things started with two outs and it started a parade of Bandidos around the bases to take the lead. Mark Merlino comes up clutch yet again, with the game winning hit.
This brings the Bandidos record to 10-3 on the season. Next up–who knows. There’s a lot of rain. But we do know there are a lot of baseball games to come for this squad in a short period of time.
Didos En El Rio
Jake Stacks absolutely crushed it behind the dish in the absense of Kris Nardozzi. Stacks may have 2022 Nardo disease though, as he is crushing the ball, but just not getting the hits yet. They will come.
Travis Royer made his 2023 debut and looked very comfortable at the dish, collecting a couple big hits.